Monday, May 11, 2009 Articles)

The Bus Ride

My Master initiated me for meditation a few years back. I always listen to our Master on topics of Meditation and those related to natural and simple living. When I attended an advanced course on meditation our Master told us to use our knowledge in practical day to day life. As usual, I started observing myself and I realized that Meditation has given me an awareness that I was only awake. The Master many times emphasized the need of Giving and Effortless Living. A small real life incident taught me another law of nature.

A few days ago I was at a bus stop in town during the evening. The bus came on time and I took the window seat. The bus route was by the seashore and I was enjoying the breeze while watching the sea waves. After a few minutes the bus made it's next stop. A young boy and a girl entered the bus. They were standing left standing when the bus took off. I glanced at them curiously and realized that all the window seats were occupied. They could sit but not together. Suddenly a different wave passed through my body and my inner mind gave me the instruction to get up. I got up and offered them my seat. The young lady smiled affectionately and said thank you very much. I occupied the other seat and we parted our ways. I don't remember whether I got off the bus before them or not.

Months passed by. Suddenly one day while I was standing at the same bus stop waiting sometime for the bus to arrive I heard a voice.

"Excuse me Uncle," I glanced in the direction of the voice. It was a beautiful young charming lady.

Puzzled, I said, "I do not recognize you."

She said, "But I do you. Do you remember you gave us your window seat?"

Puzzled, I said, "Maybe, but what is so great in that?

She said, "Uncle you simply acted like a God for me. Had you not given your seat on that day, perhaps I would have not sat with my friend. By sitting together it helped us bridge a misunderstanding that has been between us forever. Do you know we are getting married next month?"

"Good! God Bless both of you," I replied.

The young lady again said thank you and went onto her journey. I realized the importance of Giving that day. I also realized that small things can create great happenings in life. This was a great lesson for me.


Who started Earth Day is much debated, but who so ever did it, God bless his soul. For having people made conscious of what they do and how it effects the wonderful environment of the planet and making them conscious of their deeds. It started in 1970, in an age of Vietnam protests, era of love and hippy and most of all, the damage that we are doing to our environment. It has been 40 years since and what started as a protest movement become a global celebration of environment and commitment to its protection. The history of Earth Day mirrors the growth of environmental awareness over the last three decades, and the legacy of Earth Day is the certain knowledge that the environment is a universal concern…Read More

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Colored Lights And Clear Lights !!!

My college roommate and I decided to decorate our dormitory bedroom. We thought that colored lights would be perfect. But having none, we painted all of our light bulbs red. When we switched the lights back on, the room shone with a dark and eerie blood-red glow.

I learned a couple of things about painted light bulbs that semester. I learned, first, that one can't study by eerie, red lighting. Not that studying was the highest priority for college freshmen, but the dark red bulbs were more of a distraction than an aid.

And very quickly I learned something else. Paint burns. Smoke from our lamps and lighting fixtures sent us outside gasping for breath.

Tinted bulbs may be nice to look at, but they don't cast much light. We string colored lights as decoration. They are designed to call attention to themselves, but never to light a room. We might say, "Aren't they pretty?" Or we may say, "I see flashing colored lights behind my car!" But we do not use them to illumine an area.

Clear lights, on the other hand, show off all that is nearby. We may aim a directional light at a wall and exclaim, "What a lovely painting!" Or we might switch on the lights in our home and comment, "What a dirty bedroom." Clear lights illumine the world around them.

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Does Everything Have A Reason

Most of us believe in God, but there are a growing number that are fast becoming atheists.

Thank God for that!!

Let’s not confuse being agnostic and being an atheist.

People who are agnostic don’t believe in religion as a mean to reach God, they prefer a more direct path. Most people believe in the big guy above [with due apologies], but in a different way. The problem is in the concept of belief and worship…. Idol Worship, temple, church, monasteries…this is where the argument is

People who believe in a higher power, in a controlling force, in destiny usually tribute every one of their actions to God…. That is sometimes fear and excuse….Mainly because, most of the wrong actions that lead to pain are ONLY because of their own wrong doing and there is NO punishment from above… The wrong doing can also be done as a good deed only to realize later…that was bad…

The flaw is that when you completely give up everything to God that basically means that you have no control over your own actions, over your own sense of morality. This way any action would be justified as an act of the ‘Big Chief’. Pretty much meaning that anyone can get away with murder by believing that the decision was made by the man above. This is not to condemn those good people… but it is just a personal viewpoint….. Just that service is above everything else.

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Younger Next Year - A Review

This optimistic book about aging opens one’s eyes in more ways than one. The authors, approaching old age when writing this book, give great hints on staying young and vibrant. Their chief message is exercise, exercise and more exercise. I found the book easy reading and enjoyable. I liked the authors emphasis on the value of companionship and love. Their light touch on sex is their way of leaving no stone unturned in their map to a long, healthy old age.

Of course, they say hobbies and even continuation of work is also vital.

I heard a person say one time that vegetarians live long and die short. Living long and dying short is the general message of these authors, a medical doctor who specializes in internal medicine & preventive healthcare and his patient, a 70-year-old retiree.

One of the best points made in the book is that we should eat for nutrition, not for our food preferences or because we have the means to stuff our belly. Eating your veggies whether you like them or not and pushing the table away before you are gorged are simple rules that are steeped in common sense.

In fact, the entire book is common sense presented with humor and evolutionary principles with a little science thrown in for good measure. The message is simple:

1. Exercise for 45 minutes six times weekly, both aerobic exercise and strength training.

2. Eat for nutrition, not for all the other reasons that people eat such as comfort, boredom, or easily available food.

3. Eat many fruits and vegetables.

4. Care for and commit to a wide circle of friends and other relationships.

5. Use your relationships to develop a support system.

6. Have a passion in life, a hobby, a reason to get up in the morning.

This program should work for anyone who wants to feel younger next year than they do this year and who decides to follow the relatively simple guidelines. Although book is written for men, the principles apply equally to females.

Superior penmanship and a broad sense of humor make this book an easy and delightful read. Many fellow seniors would find all their instructions quite impossible to follow, but generally, it is a good outlook on actually making the aging process a phase of life to enjoy.

Five Point Someone

If you are an IITian, you will probably relate very well to this light-hearted narrative about the life of three average guys at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. If you are not an IITian, you will still enjoy this book like I did .Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT may be about life in IIT, but the characters are as interesting as in any other book and are very un-IIT like (That says a lot). According to the author, Chetan Bhagat, this book is not about how to get into IIT or what to do once you are in, but what not to do there.

The autobiographical account lends itself to fine character development. The book is fast paced and has very funny conversational style plus lingo typical to those who come from the institution. A little eccentric (little may be the understatement of the year), IITians may be, but they are considered to be one of the most elite groups in the world. Wouldn’t say that about the three guys in Five Point Someone who manage to scrape through IIT,not without a few hair-raising incidents here and there. I would definitely give this book more than a five point something on a ten-point scale.

This book featuring Hari, Ryan and Alok, is a smashing hit. The three meet at the premier engineering institute of India when they were dragged out of there beds at midnight with drowsy eyes by the seniors for a ragging session. This ragging session was the stepping stone of their friendship. They take every major and minor jolt of life together.

Challenging the well established norms of the Indian educational system he argues that just books and their company don’t really make a good student. The sub-title reads what not to do at IIT, but the main point of attraction is that if Bhagat doesn’t want people to do this, why he took the pain to write this 300 odd pages. As my conscience allows me to establish, he just wants to show how boring the college life can be if one doesn’t venture to add colours to it.

Then of course there are elements which I don’t buy much such as - bedding with the daughter of head of the institution and attending viva after a shot of vodka, but I believe it’s ok as we don’t mind item numbers in the mainstream cinema.

There are people who may hate this book and there are others who are going to be left bewildered and sorry. They will be left with a thought that there was a much colourful life outside waiting to embrace me and to kiss me when I was in the black and white company of books. Well it’s upon the personal perspective of the reader, which side influences him. But one thing is for sure that one you read one page, you will lose count of time and won’t leave the book before you read the last word.

Your Health is in Your Hands - through Mudras

A Mudra, meaning ‘sign’ or ‘seal’ in Sanskrit, is a gesture or positioning of the hands. The positions of the fingers, lock and guide energy flow and reflexes, to the brain. By curling, crossing, touching and stretching the fingers and hands, we can "communicate" with the body and mind as each area of the hand corresponds to a certain part of the mind or body.
  • The thumb represents the element earth, the stomach and worry.
  • The index finger represents the element metal, the lungs, the large intestine and the emotions depression, sadness and grief.
  • The middle finger is the element fire, the heart, small intestine, circulatory and respiratory systems, the emotions are impatience and hastiness.
  • The ring finger is the element wood and is connected to the liver, gall bladder, nervous system and corresponds to anger.
  • The little finger corresponds to water, the kidneys and fear.

Before I move on to the regular Mudras, here is something I would like to share with you. On the outside and inside of our fingers, and not the top and bottom, run meridians that have several acupuncture points located on them. As mentioned above our fingers correspond not only to the five elements but they also correspond to emotions and the major organs. By pressing or squeezing the sides of the fingers, according to our needs, we can influence both the emotion and the corresponding organ.

This can be done anywhere as there is no preparation needed and it can be done discreetly.

If you are overwhelmed by an emotion, just squeeze the corresponding finger a few times and you will feel better. Believe me, it works!



Although everybody loves their children dearly, it becomes difficult to manage both work from home and kids. Until kids are 3-4 years old, they need utmost attention. The situation becomes very critical when you have something getting cooked on the oven, the baby screaming in the bedroom and the deadlines knocking your door.

The babies are too innocent to understand that their mom has important tasks left to finish as she is managing some work from home apart from looking after them. So a cranky and crying kid is perhaps the toughest challenge for a mom.

Don't expect yourself to be the super-mom, because work will then jostle between play dates and nap times-- and yes start getting used to the idea of productive working at 10 pm.

It's a real challenge to work at home while looking after toddlers, but it's also the opportunity of a lifetime. What other job would let you watch every milestone with your own eyes while still earning a living?

So just how can you keep those little devils busy on their own Here are a few ideas:

First of all invest in a wireless connection and laptop to run your work. So even if you have to run around the house with your laptop or monitor your kid in the backyard you can still work.

1. Give them a box: Little kids love boxes, the narrower and longer the better, like a cereal box, and dump a ton of stuff into it. Make sure none of it's choke able size. Some things to dump in there:

Plastic spoons, Empty bottles, Envelopes with a sheet of paper folded inside, Crayons, an old wallet. Basically, anything that they wouldn't find in their toy box works. They'll have a blast taking it all out and then putting it back in. The narrow box makes it more work to reach in and tug stuff out, so your child will stay busy longer.

2. Invest in a CD player: Kids of all ages just love music, it soothes them and enjoy. My daughter loves her Dora CD. You buy some rhyme or story ones. Its fun way to keep them occupied, entertained and will be a learning experience too.

3. Buy a toy laptop: A toy laptop is not only full of activities but also a fun learning resource. My daughter is hooked on to hers while I finish my work on mine.

4. Get out the clothing: Hats, gloves and funky shoes are all great for little ones who will do their best to put these things on themselves and take their time doing it. You can toss in a couple of light, gauzy scarves ( buy from thrift shops) for them to drape, swing and toss, too.

5. Hold a parade. Get out those pots and pans and wooden spoons and let your kids traipse around the house banging away on their makeshift instruments. It's noisy, but with a good set of earphones and some of your favorite music, you'll barely notice!

6. Create a baby office. Set up a cardboard box as a desk, lay out some papers, pens and give your child that old keyboard you have kicking around in the attic so he or she can work right beside you. I often print out coloring pages so my kids can work on those while I'm writing.

7. Get them involved in your work: Kids often become very demanding and start crying or nagging to draw attention. They are not capable of doing the tougher parts of the jobs but they can handle small tasks quite easily. You can ask them to do some trivial jobs like filing the papers or organizing the work desk. This will not only keep them busy while you work but also turn them into responsible and serious kids.

8.Work while they take a nap: When the kids are inside the bed resting or sleeping tight, it is the best time for you to finish up the largest part of the work. Be it making phone calls or uninterrupted concentration. This will help you spend more time with them when they are awake. The kids will also feel that you are paying them as much attention as they need and keep them happy and content.

Unemployment Compensation

Unemployment insurance provides workers, whose jobs have been terminated through no fault of their own, monetary payments for a given period of time or until they find a new job. Unemployment payments (compensation) are intended to provide an unemployed worker time to find a new job equivalent to the one lost without financial distress. Without employment compensation many workers would be forced to take jobs for which they were overqualified or end up on welfare. Unemployment compensation is also justified in for sustaining consumer spending during periods of economic adjustment.

In the United States, unemployment insurance is based on a dual program of federal and state statutes. The program was established by the federal Social Security Act in 1935. Much of the federal program is implemented through the Federal Unemployment Tax Act. Each state administers a separate unemployment insurance program, which must be approved by the Secretary of Labor, based on federal standards. The state programs are explicitly made applicable to areas normally regulated by laws of the U.S. There are special federal rules for nonprofit organizations and governmental entities. Which employees are eligible for compensation, the amount they receive, and the period of time benefits are paid are determined by a mix of federal and state law.

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Online Banking Tips

Online Banking Tips and Guide

Online banking is also known as e-Banking, electronic banking, internet banking, home banking, or PC banking. Online banking is very useful and convenient, especially if you travel often. Of course, it is very important for any bank to provide a secure and easy to understand website. Many banks don't charge extra for online banking. Some banks provide online banking for free, but may charge for online bill pay. It may also depend on the type of bank account you have.

The higher the minimum balance requirement the more likely you'll receive extra services for reduced charges or for free. Unlike regular branches, you can access online banking 24/7. Online transactions may be processed more quickly than regular transactions. There may be a learning curve in using online banking. However, if the bank's website is straightforward, and if you are generally familiar with operating a computer, you shouldn't have any trouble learning quickly.

Whether you use regular banking and/or online banking, make sure to reconcile the transactions in the bank statement with your own records every month. Check whether there are any unauthorized transactions or there are any discrepancies. It is better to resolve any problems as soon as possible.

Getting Started

Banking online can be performed two different ways: Your regular bank may offer online banking, or you can sign up with a bank that is solely online. If your account is with a regular bank, you can go to the branch for tasks that can't be done online, but you can also perform many tasks online. These banks are referred to as "brick-to-click" banks. If you choose an online bank that has no physical branches or ATMs, they may offer you better interest rates at lower fees. However, you will have to mail your deposits to them and you may have to pay a fee to use other bank's ATMs.

When choosing a strictly online bank, make sure the bank is FDIC insured, has good customer service, and long customer service hours. Net. Bank , Tele Bank, and virtual Bank are completely online banks. Getting started with online banking is quite straightforward. Contact your bank and express your interest in online banking. They may ask you to sign some forms. You will be assigned a username and password, or you can just go to the bank's website and register yourself. Keep your username and password very secret. Some banks may have more protection mechanisms than just a username and password, e.g., Bank of America has a "site key."

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