Thursday, June 18, 2009

Google Is Developing Artificial Intelligence

Co-founder Larry Page announced that Google is in the development stages of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and he claims the realization may not be far off.

Sci-Fi movies immediately come to mind and initial reactions may be curiosity-piqued-with-incredulity. However, some are very alarmed by this announcement calling into question the wisdom of such a move, in light of the moral and ethical questions and implications this advancement raises.

Yep, you read that right, Google is trying to build real AI. The worlds most dominant online company, with the largest conglomeration of computing power the world has ever seen, is trying to build artificial intelligence, and according to Page it isn’t that far away either. ... true artificial intelligence not only has serious ethical and moral implications, self aware intelligence may also not be controllable, after all it thinks for itself and makes decisions based on that reasoning, as we all do.

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